Thursday, October 23, 2014

Segue to Attention to Hearing Voices, my opinion

I have been made aware of seminars, webinars, support groups and web sites, all from social media, on the topic of hearing voices. "Hearing Voices" must be an "in" topic this time of year.  A new book is in promotion with household names about those and relatives of those having what some people call the "Human Experience".

Reasons for hearing voices are dominant in mental illness, substance abuse and living within a tribe.  I have not given any objection to what has been written on the subject.  My personal research with those who have this experience always ends with a question I have, "Have you told these voices to stop?"  A common answer is simply a puzzled look.  The question requires a one word response, either yes or no.  I heard no vocal response.  Is it not reasonable to tell someone to quit talking to them, as they have no desire to communicate with the other?

Being bipolar seems to give me card blache in a mental health hospital, or at least it did when people were allowed to go outside, with 14 feet solid fences, to have a smoke.  Those smokers without a cigarette would go outside as well, hoping to finish any cigarette or, at the very least, to get the butt before disposed to suck out any remaining nicotine.  It wasn't uncommon to see a person take the dispenser off, as one does to empty, and go through the ashes scrounging it like one would do in a dumpster to get get a smoke.

I would go out to smoke, as I looked like anybody else, with a pack of premium Marlboro cigarettes.  I was more than happy to let people bum one cigarette.  I gave it to them for free.  On the outside, I believe the usual and customary charge was twenty-five cents.  I would tell them the next time they wanted a good smoke to go to the front desk and ask for a house cigarette.  I would always leave a carton or two for the nurses to ration out.  It made people's day just a little bit better.

People have always told me that my big blue eyes show kindness.  With kindness displayed by self and with a free premium smoke these people would freely talk with me.  Many identified themselves by their illness rather than by name.  The impact of illness was so great it was if an individual name meant nothing.  They were their illness, yet voluntarily wanted to tell me about themselves.  I didn't have to say anything, only listen.  What I learned would fill a book.  I know Psychiatrists who would love to be able to talk one on one but time only allows to write a prescription or do a medical check.

I was told by a young adult about the voices he heard.  He was doing his best to give me an accurate account.  He used an analogy of a movie where a few people would be able to enter another person's dream and gain influence over the subject.  He did an excellent job of description.  We wanted these voices to stop.  I asked him if he ever told those voices to stop.  "Can I do that?", he asked.  Most certainly.  Those voices can be filtered out.  I suggested he may want to give it a try.  He wasn't possessed.  He was accepting what he didn't want to hear.  That gave the gentleman much thought in the logical part of his brain.

I talked to others and could related to their words.  No one was crazy.  Yes, they did have an illness that needed to be treated.  I couldn't find anyone who sat in the corner and sucked on rocks.  I could conclude that talk therapy was a great method of treatment.  When a person can reveal his most inner thoughts, freely and without consequences there are meaningful things to be said for a healing process to begin.

I ended up needing to smoke 2 cigarettes in the moment so those who wanted to visit had a chance.  It was their choice.

When it was time for me to go back inside there were nurses staring at me, somewhat stunned.  They questioned me about what I had said or done to the person who heard voices.  He had returned inside as if he was a man who had been transformed in to another person.  He apparently had been at the facility for some time.  I stated I had told him to tell the voices to stop.  He was closely monitored for 48 hours and was released.  I can share the technical things about filtering and shielding at another time.

There are too many different types of hearing voices where there is not a single answer but all explanations are quite simple.  The fact that people hear voices is very natural.

I listened and took notes during a webinar where people told their stories about hearing voices.  Each story was different but the keywords that each person used coincided with the others.  I could look down my pages of notes and it looked like the same person was telling these stories.

Each story was one of basic instincts of survival skills.  People know it as the flee or fight scenario.  The problem is the area of the brain the invokes the thought never gets to the area of the brain that applies logic.

Two prominent statements are of killing, killing of self or killing others.  These are deemed as evil commands in today's world of thinking.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  Its perfectly normal, as an instinct.  The kill command of others is staying to fight.  People who are considered a threat activates the kill command.  People you do not like fits the criteria of a threat.  You will hear 'Kill her', 'Kill him', 'Kill them', 'Kill your mother', 'Kill your family', 'Kill the dog', 'Kill your dog' or 'Kill Skipper'.and the such.  Doing so will allow you to survive.  It is a matter of survival, not an evil command.  It is not evil to survive.  Your mission is to survive and multiply.

When the kill command is sent to the logical part of the brain, it can be interpreted.  It can mean 'I don't like you.' or 'You bother me'.  One statement that is becoming common is that of "Mr. Wonderful" from the TV show Shark Tank, who states 'You are dead to me.'.  This does not infer the action of physical death. This means he has no use for you.  You are taking up space on the earth and should be terminated.  You don't fit in his world of financial survival.

To sustain life, you must keep yourself from becoming dehydrated.  You must drink non-contaminated water.  There is a survival instinct for finding clean water.  People who told their stories would mention of themselves or others who hear voices to not drink the water, such as brought in to a meeting room.  Those who have never heard this command can not relate to it.  It is bizarre to hear this.  The fact is the person has had the thought of a survival instinct, the water is contaminated.  More than likely, a form of contamination exists.

It is common to put the water down the drain and allow the person to see where the water is coming from.  The logical part of the brain may be able to determine if the new water is okay to drink  It is also possible that the freshly poured water is again considered contaminated.

I suggest keeping the water that is deemed to be bad and taking that water to your water treatment plant or an independent laboratory for analysis.  Look at the results and see if that person was correct.  You might surprise yourself.

The kill command can also be given to 'Kill yourself''.  This can be seen in the animal kingdom.  It is better to be eaten while you are dead than alive.  Being eaten while you are still alive makes for a terrible death. You can neither flee or fight.  Your instincts can not be used.

It is common while on a long journey and it is known, for whatever the reason, will not make it to their destination, it is again better to be dead than alive.  Animals will kill themselves.  Same is true for offspring that are killed for protection from a terrible death. A clean death comes from a clean kill.  A terrible death comes from a bad kill.

A skilled human who is hunting for food knows he wants a clean kill, one shot that results in death.  A bad shot that doesn't kill is like being eaten while you are still alive, making for a terrible death.  A bad kill is inhumane.

Regretfully, the 'Kill yourself' or 'Kill your offspring' instincts are present in humans with disastrous results when the command does not make it to the logical part of the brain.

To fully understand what I am trying to say takes being in the moment in which it occurs.  You must have a hands on experience to fully understand.  As a peer worker at a community mental health center I had a client who responded to natural kill commands.  In the client's perspective, they had become one who thinks like an animal.  Her children were in danger.  Her response was to kill them for their protection.  She was not successful.  She was told of her actions.  She could not believe that she had acted as such.  Her children stayed with her and would remind her she was a human mother.  The mother was surprised that the children wanted to stay rather than to flee.  Her horrendous thought and actions scared her.  She thought evil had overtaken her.  It had not, but an instinctive command was not transferred to logic.  A synaptic transmission had certainly failed.

Other people can hear analog frequencies and can act as a receiver.  They are picking up radio frequencies that hear people talking.  It may be intermentant or can stay with them 24/7.  Again, the mind can be trained to filter out the frequency and shield itself from hearing these radio frequencies.  Lower frequencies are used that should not be detected yet some hear "government transmissions", knowing they are being listened to.

Hearing voices is something to write about.

Monday, October 20, 2014